Saturday, May 24, 2014

Prayer and an iPad

A few days after my car was repossessed, and it was almost my son's birthday, and I had been home sick with strep throat with my kids for 2 weeks, I woke up crying. 

I was crying because all my failures had hit me so hard, and the worst feeling was that I had failed my son with his birthday.  I didn't care that I can't buy nice clothes, a car, or even just go get my hair cut.  I was missing out on the chance to do something special for my little boy on his birthday.  I knew he wanted an iPad but there was no way I could do that.

I prayed hard that a way would be provided for him to get him an iPad, then I tried to forget myself and got to work putting together a birthday party with what I had around the house.  Every time my despair would overwhelm me and I would want to give up, I just kept on going and made sure to pray specifically for help with my challenges.

Now, my little sister Emily, who knows everyone in the world, is making it possible for my little boy to get an iPad through a Facebook fundraiser.  Who would have thought prayer and love could be so powerful? 

I know I do now.  Thank you for all you've done Emily! 

If you'd like to help, she's almost met her goal.  Here's a link to the fundraiser, and a big THANK YOU to anyone, to Emily, and to everyone who cares enough to help.  Even if it is just the power of a good prayer or great energy sent our way.  Much love from me and my son.


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